Access to Justice: Why it Matters in Family Law Cases

It is a conversation that family lawyers have been having for years - how can we better provide services to separating families that are effective and affordable? The reality is that access to services such as Legal Aid are limited and the criteria to qualify does not include most British Columbians.

Many families in British Columbia are barely making ends meet even when they own homes or make incomes over $60,000 a year. The services available to separating families only capture a small percentage of those who need assistance. The question we have struggled with as family law counsel is how we can better assist and provide services for families.

Our approach to this question was to create our own alternative dispute (ADR) hub to provide separating families options. By creating an ADR hub, we would be able to provide options to families that are more cost efficient. Another important component in creating this ADR hub was to provide alternatives to help reduce the mental stress that traditional litigation structures impose on separating spouses.

In May 2024, Kitsilano Family Law soft launched our new ADR hub – KitsSolutions. Since that time, we have been working hard to finetune and adjust our services as needed. We are proud to officially announce this new ADR hub and look forward to serving the community.

What is KitsSolutions – a snapshot:

We offer the following ADR services:

a.     Fixed Rate Mediations (including Legal Aid);

b.     Collaborative Divorce;

c.     Unbundled Services; and

d.     Legal Coaching.

We recognize that there is no perfect solution to addressing issues with access to justice, but our hope is that we can provide an alternative for families through KitsSolutions.

For more information, please visit the KitsSolutions page on our website:

Contact Us

If you have questions or want to meet with us, please use one of these:

a.     Book Online by clicking here.

b.     Email us at

 c.     Call the office at 604-731-5676


Why Mediation?


Mediating Cases under the Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction